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Basics of Singing: The Do's and Don'ts of Singing in a Group

Mastering the basics of singing is just one of the many steps you’ll need to take when training your voice. You may think that once you’ve tackled the various exercises needed to improve agility, tone, and technique, that you’re winning the battle and well on the way to being a good singer.

As a form of art or entertainment

Music is composed and performed for many purposes, ranging from aesthetic pleasure, religious or ceremonial purposes, or as an entertainment product for the marketplace. When music was only available through sheet music scores, such as during the Classical and Romantic eras, music lovers would buy the sheet music of their favourite pieces and songs so that they could perform them at home on the piano.

With the advent of sound recording, records of popular songs, rather than sheet music became the dominant way that music lovers would enjoy their favourite songs. With the advent of home tape recorders in the 1980s and digital music in the 1990s, music lovers could make tapes or playlists of their favourite songs and take them with them on a portable cassette player or MP3 player.